- To provide vision and leadership on HIV Care, Treatment and Support matters towards the control of HIV epidemic in ending HIV by 2030, reach UNAIDS targets of 90, 90, 90 and elimination of new infection in children.
- To assess, plan, budget, manage, coordinate the implementation, supervise, monitor and evaluate HIV Interventions that include children, adolescent and adult HIV care, treatment, support and TB/HIV collaborative interventions
- To coordinate revision or development of Policy guidelines, training materials, Standards Operating Procedures and Protocols for HIV Care, Treatment and Support interventions.
- In collaboration with Strategic Information Directorate, monitor the implementation; facilitate the execution of the quality improvement activities for HIV care, treatment and Support Interventions.
- To coordinate and supervise all care, treatment and Support Implementing Partners and ensure updated MoU exists and in line with Regional and
- Council Comprehensive Health Plans in the areas that they work (R/CCHP)
- To plan and coordinate HIV care, treatment and Support forums with HIV/AIDS stakeholders including TWGs, Clinical Subcommittees, Information sharing fora; and ensure meaningful participation of unit staffs in forum organized by other stakeholders
- To provide Leadership and technical support to the RACCs, DACCs and all Technical staffs under the unit.
- To ensure timely execution of Planned activities under the care, treatment
- To support the directorate under all available source of funds (CDC, GF, WHO, UNICEF, PEPFAR)
- In collaboration with Strategic Information directorate develop program reports relevant for use with other people/stakeholders for HIV services (Care and treatment, Surveillance reports etc.)
- Overall advisor on HIV Care, treatment and support matters to the institution and the Ministry.
Clinical Care Section
- To provide vision and leadership on HIV Care and Treatment matters towards the control of HIV epidemic in ending HIV by 2030, reach UNAIDS targets of 90, 90, 90 and elimination of new infection in children.
- To assess, plan, budget, manage, coordinate the implementation, supervise, monitor and evaluate HIV Interventions that include children, adolescent and adult HIV care and treatment interventions.
- To coordinate revision or development of policy guidelines, training materials, Standards Operating Procedures and Protocols for HIV Care and Treatment interventions.
- In collaboration with Strategic Information Directorate, monitor the implementation; facilitate the execution of the quality improvement activities for HIV care and treatment Interventions.
- To coordinate and supervise all care and treatment Implementing Partners and ensure updated MoU exists and in line with Regional and Council Comprehensive Health Plans in the areas that they work (R/CCHP)
- To plan and coordinate HIV care and treatment forums with HIV/AIDS stakeholders including TWGs, Clinical Subcommittees, Information sharing fora; and ensure meaningful participation of section staffs in forum organized by other stakeholders
- To provide leadership and technical support to the RACCs, DACCs and all Technical staffs under the section.
- To ensure timely execution of planned activities under the care and treatment programme.
- To support section under all available sources of funds (CDC, GF, WHO, UNICEF, PEPFAR).
- In collaboration with Strategic Information Directorate develop program reports relevant for use with other people/stakeholders for HIV services (Care and treatment, Surveillance reports etc.)
- Overall advisor on HIV Care and treatment matters to the institution     and the Ministry.
Community Care
- To provide vision and leadership on HIV community support matters towards the control of HIV epidemic in ending HIV by 2030, reach UNAIDS targets of 90, 90, 90.
- To assess, plan, budget, manage, coordinate the implementation, supervise, monitor and evaluate HIV Interventions that include children, adolescent and adult HIV community support interventions.
- To coordinate revision or development of policy guidelines, training materials, Standards Operating Procedures and Protocols for HIV Community Support interventions.
- In collaboration with Strategic Information Directorate, monitor the implementation; facilitate the execution of the quality improvement activities for HIV community support Interventions.
- To coordinate and supervise all community support Implementing Partners and ensure updated MoU exists and in line with Regional and Council Comprehensive Health Plans in the areas that they work (R/CCHP)
- To plan and coordinate HIV care, treatment and Support forums with HIV/AIDS stakeholders including TWGs, Clinical Subcommittees, Information sharing fora; and ensure meaningful participation of section staffs in forum organized by other stakeholders
- To provide leadership and technical support to the RACCs, DACCs and all Technical staffs under the Community Care section.
- To ensure timely execution of planned activities under the HIV community care section.
- To support section under all available source of funds (CDC, GF, WHO, Â Â Â Â UNICEF, PEPFAR)
- In collaboration with Strategic Information directorate develop program reports relevant for use with other people/stakeholders for Community care
- Overall advisor on HIV community support support matters to the institution and the Ministry.
TB and Co â Morbidity
- To provide of vision and leadership on TB/HIV Care and Treatment matters towards the control of HIV epidemic in ending HIV by 2030, reach UNAIDS targets of 90, 90, 90.
- To assess, plan, budget, manage, coordinate the implementation, supervise, monitor and evaluate TB/HIV collaborative Interventions that include children, adolescent and adult HIV care and treatment.
- To coordinate revision or development of policy guidelines, training materials, Standards Operating Procedures and Protocols for TB/HIV Care and Treatment interventions.
- In collaboration with Strategic Information Directorate, monitor the implementation; facilitate the execution of the quality improvement activities for TB/HIV care and treatment Interventions.
- To coordinate and supervise all TB/HIV care and treatment Implementing Partners and ensure updated MoU exists and in line with Regional and Council Comprehensive Health Plans in the areas that they work (R/CCHP)
- To plan and coordinate HIV care and treatment forums with TB/HIV stakeholders including TWGs, TB/HIV Clinical Subcommittees, Information sharing fora; and ensure meaningful participation of section staffs in forum organized by other stakeholders
- To provide leadership and technical support to the RACCs, DACCs and all Technical staffs under the TB and Co- Morbidity Section.
- To ensure timely execution of planned activities under the TB and Co- Morbidity Section.
- To support section under all available sources of funds (CDC, GF, WHO, Â Â Â Â Â Â UNICEF, PEPFAR)
- In collaboration with Strategic Information Directorate develop program reports relevant for use with other people/stakeholders for TB/HIV services (Care and treatment, Surveillance reports etc.)
Overall advisor on TB/HIV Care and treatment matters to the institution and the Ministry.