- Collaborate with various stakeholders at all levels for planning and implementation of the HSHSP.
- Facilitate the integration of Health Sector HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment and support Services with other Health Services.
- Promote quality improvement of Health Sector HIV Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support services at all levels.
- Design, develop and implement social and behaviour change communications to promote uptake of health sector HIV and AIDS interventions countrywide
- In collaboration with the procurement unit, facilitate procurement, distribution, monitoring and evaluation of HIV and AIDS commodities.
- Design and develop a monitoring and evaluation framework and ensure availability of recording and reporting tools for HIV and AIDS Interventions at all levels.
- Facilitate integration of HIV Information System within the national M&E strengthening initiative and strengthen and promote effective and efficient data collection, analysis and utilization of HIV and AIDS information at all levels.
- Organise and coordinate the promotion of Health Sector HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Services best practices.
- Organize and Coordinate Health Sector HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment and support operational research in collaboration with research institution